Yep. Time to come out. It's Summertime. Seems we've been hiding away for a long time. Indeed, this blog was last updated nearly a year ago. When we were in Mexico. It was on the drive home that we decided our family was fit for five. It's an odd number. So the year has been spent planning, conceiving, growing and birthing the baby in this picture. Say Hello to Lucas Dayne Carballeira. We're calling him Lukito while he is so little. More about him later.
So the Carballeira Blog (Carballog) is back. I feel the need to write stuff down, more so for myself than anyone else. I feel like if I don't, the next decade will be gone at the dash of a sand crab and down a hole. Those buggers are fast. But I'll also write for you all-- my pals, my families -- and the odd rest of you. It's incredible how much help and love you've rained upon us this year. I owe you more than a blog for that. You can expect the usual stuff-- reflections on our culture, our kids and our extra and ordinary lives. But I'll also try to make it goofy sometimes too. I'll update this blog every week, however simply. It's good to be back.
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