Sunday, December 11, 2005

Good old boys.

We love you Granny!

Thanksgiving was a grateful blast. I returned to the Beantown area, and Cora took the boys to the Old Dominion. Here they are taking down their Uncle Jason.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mr. Marran and I were Lewis & Clark for one day last week....

Nar dressed up as himself....

and Eliot was squash.

Mama say mama saw ma ma ku sha!Mama say mama saw ma ma ku sha!

Look at these guys! Can you even believe it?

We certainly didn't miss the fall colors this year. We drove all through western CO to find this place. Up the Crystal Valley, over McClure Pass, Down the North Fork of the Gunnison River, over the Black Canyon, Up Cimarron Creek to this Place: Silver Jack Res. Here's Tate and Julie takin' the T-man on a paddle. (If you zoom in you can see him dragging his fingers through the water)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me! Wow! Would ya look at that? I'm THIRTY! Par tradition, we rode the Glenwood Canyon as a family for my birthday. Three Hours of Bliss. And I'll tell ya, I felt like a young spring chicken.

Helmet Cam. He loves riding in the trailer, honest, it's just a very serious endeavor. I love this picture.

After Tate's wedding, we had the distinct pleasure of hosting J-Mar, my best man, for a couple days. He came with us on the Canyon bike tour. Here he is with his little buddy throwing rocksinto the Colorado

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Look at those guys; they're brothers. They're going to be best friends.

This is what happens when you let your toddler play with your Camelbak before nap time. Overhydration + Relaxation = Huggies Oversaturation. We laughed at this for too long before finally releasing it. Hilarious.

We spent a day at the Glenwood Spring last weekend. Eliot relaxed in the warm water like a cat in the sunshine.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

This Simple Life VII

This Simple Life VII

HOOO-WEE! Summer's rollin like a '77 Malibu on Route 66. Soft ride, plenty of space, way too fast. Carbondale feels good, as any home does after being away for a while. We've ventured on a few camping trips, and one road trip to Big Sky for a friends' wedding. But mostly we've been here in Carb-dale. Three rivers and endless trails, fun mountain music festivals, fresh veggies and grilled meat, road trips to magic places. It's been a summer full of action and relaxin'; just the way we like it.

I have been busy cleaning windows (my summer gig) and teaching English night classes. I'm mad about my mountain bike and kayak. These enable me great adventures in short bursts, calming my wild spirit and allowing me to function normally in everyday situations. In between, I have found many long afternoons to play with action heroes, trains and mini-footballs.

My sweet bride is strong and beautiful as ever. She's found her groove as a mother, and proves adept at taking good care of us guys-- nurturing and feeding us, not putting up with our B.S., and making us laugh every day. She spends her time outside with the boys, walking with friends, or in the pool. Never an open water-girl, she swam her first mile yesterday! Continuing to possify the impossible, that's my girl.

Eliot is growing fast and coming alive. He's in a perpetual state of googling wonder, and offers a huge smile to anyone who stops to say hello. He just lays wherever we put him, in wide eyed amazement, marveling at things like ceiling fans, paper, wind chimes, ribbons and grass. Nothing like the eyes of an infant to remind us of the miracles we walk amongst every day. He's darn cute, too.

Talon continues to be, well, TALON. Floating around like a kung-fu butterfly; taking in and taking on everything he comes across. He's in full-parrot-mode, trying on words five at a time. Despite his apparrent distractedness, he is a two-foot learning machine. For example, on Thursday he learned three new things; 1) How to peel a banana 2) How to do a somersault, and 3) How to start the car. He loves me and remains my trusty sidekick. I can hardly imagine a world without him. Despite his very small stature, he seems to hold everything up.

That's Us. More and more, I feel like an ordinary guy living an ordinary life. Life is ordinary, but so extraordinary, isn't it?. We're just happy to be healthy and happy and part of such a incredible tribe. Mountains of love to all y'all.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's always nice to come home to a garden full of carrots.

A timeless moment, the first glimpse of his forever girl.

What a day we had to Celebrate the marriage of Jason and Kristin! Here's "the guys" on that special occasion.

Talon embodies the Spirit of the West in Big Sky, Montana

Imagine how amazing fire must look to those who have never seen it before...

Here's a good shot of the first annual Dirty Kids campout down near Mt. Princeton. A weekend of fine food, friends and forest. A butt-wipin' good time!

The Cousins Gallegos and Liza made it out to the Roaring Fork Valley for two nights. They brought bikes, Rescue Heroes and a pure Chaos, out of which we fashioned a general good time.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Grant, Jen and Lief came by today. We lavishly enjoyed a summer's stroll, trainway and fence construction, the swollen river and each other. Friends rule, especially on Sunday,

Here is how they look today. I can't believe it. Seems like just yesterday I was biking through South Dakota, as alone as ever. Now I have this. -Aaah-- Life is such a wonder, can you see it in their eyes?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

robert adam and courtney parks carballeira. i thought i should post some real photo's of my new family. so here are a few classics. this one was taken in brazil, on the night travis and mari were married. interestingly, it was likely the same day our second son was invited to life.  Posted by Hello

eliot a carballeira Posted by Hello

talon cobb carballeira Posted by Hello

Friday, June 17, 2005

Could I have asked for a better example to follow as a DAD? It's no wonder I have such a love for dirt, zerberts, sunshine and a general good time. I can only hope to instill the same values in my own sons. Happy father's day Dave! Posted by Hello

So today is my dad's birthday. Here he is looking his best, sometime in the seventies. What a guy. I truly admire him, as his whole life has been one relentless endeavor of serving others and making people smile and laugh. In the crazy, serious and ultra-fun moments of life, nobody keeps it real like my dad! Posted by Hello

The fish hat comes out at regulaer unspecified times. Sometimes he wears it in the middle of the night, and wals into our room crying from a nightmare. Sometimes he insists it provides the best sun protection on seriously hot days. Here, he dons the special fish hat while sprinting naked through the house late at night.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Here's Eli with his little buddy Calen. Posted by Hello

We went down to Cedaredge to visit Tate and Julie this weekend. Fred and Dana showed up, too, with their little baby Calen. We ended up meandering the golf course playing with the glo-frisbee. Some things change, some things stay the same... Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

AAAhhh....Life in the Roaring Fork Valley. This is our lovely town of Carbondale. Cuurently, our town motto is, "A Great Place to Be." Town Council is considering changing it , though, to "The crossroads of Adventure," or "On the Way to Aspen." Yes, it's a quirky place, but easy on the eyes, eh? Come visit anytime. We'll be here. Posted by Hello

Meet the brand-newest Carballeira, Eliot A.  Posted by Hello

We had a swell visit from Bil, Fil and Linda last week. Here's Eliot A with his only uncle J. They helped us out, fixed up our place and kept us entertained. Aint nuthin like family! Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Simple life VII

Greatest people.

Aloha. Here's to Spring, my favorite season. May it bring us all a sumo
portion of health smothered in love with a side of good cheer.

We Carbondalians fare well. A bit tired, but content, in a dreamy, frenzied
sort of way. I am back to work; wringing poems from spastic teens, Cora is learning
the art of stewardship to the tiny. She hands them to me twice a week and takes a hike. I, in turn,
escape on my bike for my Hour of Adventure. Nothing renews me like a face-full of sweat and red
dirt. Everyone in my family seems happier outside.

Baby Eli is incredible. Already I can see that the older brother is the free
spirit while the younger is the old soul. He has a quiet wisdom. In spite of his tiny squirminess, He seems
strong and I feel like the helpless one. He meows, too. He only cries when he needs to, and spends as
much time as possible with The Boobs. Mostly he just sleeps or sits looking around turning everyone to

Talon fares forcefully. Like the rest of us, he is adjusting to the fourness.
He helps out though, and talks a lot, mostly in his own alien language. Talon now
refers to himself as DAR! I thinks he finds it more powerful-sounding than Talon, in a professional
way. It does get the point across. DAR JUICE!, KISS DAR! or DAR GRRRR! He mostly just
runs, with his flaming white hair, and makes sound effects to accompany the high-action-drama
being played out in his tiny head.

So the new family is off to a smooth and rocky start. We recieved so many
thoughtful trinkets and good wishes from everyone, and massive amounts of food. So, thanks. It's sure nice to
be part of a tribe.

Fresh spring blossoms of solace to all ya'll.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005