Monday, September 29, 2008

Note to Self: Go With the Flow

Sheeeesh. It sure sometimes seems like we are on the brink; like our fortune and livelihood are held precariously in the balance. Like this time in history hinges the future. Everything, reality, bearing down like a backpack that gets heavier with every step.

There's the election, all of it, and the economy, and war, and global warming, and the terrorists, and our failing schools, and the energy crisis. Indeed, we are threatened.

And yet, amidst it all, there is still the simple joy of the moment. The beauty of ones we love, the deliciousness of food, the honesty of music, the laughter of the kids. Sometimes I forget. That life is stronger than death. And that good is stronger than evil. And that despite our suffering and uncertainty, there is always clarity and peace right in front of us. Reminding us. To notice.

So, I tell myself. Keep moving, and try to notice the magic as much as the mischief. For there has always been tragedy and pain, and there always will be. But we move on. Keep moving.
Consider all the possibilities, but know that you don't know. Keep moving. Stay as close as you can to this second. The one you are living right now. Move on. You've had a nice day, wine, a hearty soup, and the company of many fine humans. Rejoice in the moment. The future is filled with fear, but right now, there is love. There is hope.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Talon's First Photogrphs

Uncle Jason gave Talon a Fisher Price digi-cam last Christmas. We just figured out how to upload. So here's a few of the best from his five-year-old-eye.

Talon on the mini-tall-bike!

Check it out, it's two kiddie bikes-- one on top of the other. My pal Devon made this and little T kid-tested it. In his words, "it was scary but fun"